Event Series Rend the Heavens: Prayer & Fasting

Rend the Heavens: Prayer & Fasting

Virtual Conference

Our Prayer & Fasting event themed "Rend the Heavens" will hold from Sunday, October 20th to Saturday, October 26th, every evening from 7-8 PM via Zoom: https://jesushousebaltimore-org.zoom.us/j/81910715373?pwd=8bql5kAUqTIMf1E8OiQAU4JvWJMm2L.1
Meeting ID: 819 1071 5373
Passcode: 560711

You can also add it to your calendar by downloading this link: https://jesushousebaltimore-org.zoom.us/meeting/tZUkdumvrz4pHdc2K_hj-kdzG_KhIrpNbn3A/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGppzoqHdWQsx6ERpwcHYj4c-3zmCVegqdezjTaCyoeaQfsEd1pOpttAPbS&meetingMasterEventId=yQcCNyWGTB2t7F72T0VR4A.